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Tiếng Việt Tiếng Nhật
The province's budget revenue for the first 8 months is estimated at 15,058 billion VND, equal to 94.7% of the estimate

According to the report at the regular meeting of the Provincial People's Committee in August 2024 held on the afternoon of August 26, the state budget revenue in the province in August is estimated at 1,301.5 billion VND, the accumulated revenue in 8 months is estimated at 15,058 billion VND, reaching 94.7% of the estimate and equal to 140.6% of the same period in 2023.

Comrade Le Hong Vinh - Member of the Provincial Standing Party Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee (PPC) chaired the meeting. Attending the meeting were comrades: Nguyen Nam Dinh - Member of the Provincial Standing Party Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Bui Thanh An - Member of the Provincial Standing Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the PPC; Nguyen Van De - Member of Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairman of PPC; leaders of relevant Departments, branches, units and localities.


Overview of the regular meeting in August 2024


Permanent Vice Chairman of the PPC Le Hong Vinh chairs the meeting

In August 2024, the province's economy continued to recover positively. Agricultural production continued to be stable, farmers continued to focus on taking care of summer-autumn crops and planting the crop. Localities and units focus on disease prevention; strengthen disease surveillance, instruct people on disease prevention techniques for livestock, and minimize disease outbreaks. During the month, the province organized the appraisal of 08 advanced new-style rural communes and 01 model new-style rural commune.


Director of the Department of Planning and Investment Pham Hong Quang reports on the implementation of the socio-economic development plan in August, key tasks and solutions for September 2024

The index of industrial production (IIP) in August is estimated to increase by 11.14% over the same period; in the first 8 months, the IIP is estimated to increase by 10.35%; of which, the mining industry increased by 5.32%, the processing and manufacturing industry increased by 10.01% over the same period in 2023.

State budget revenue in the area in August is estimated at 1,301.5 billion VND, accumulated revenue in 8 months is estimated at 15,058 billion VND, reaching 94.7% of the estimate and equal to 140.6% of the same period in 2023. Local budget expenditure in the first 8 months of 2024 is estimated at 18,790 billion VND, reaching 52% of the estimate.

During the month, the province approved investment policies/ granted investment registration certificates to 02 projects/investment projects worth 219.7 billion VND, adjusted 08 projects, and no projects adjusted capital. There were 147 newly established enterprises, an increase of 16.6% over the same period in 2023 with a total registered capital of 914.2 billion VND.

As of August 20, the total public investment plan has disbursed 4,349,973 billion VND, reaching 46.89% (44.21% higher than the same period); of which, the concentrated public investment capital managed by the province has disbursed 2,049,973 billion VND, reaching 42.46%. There are 7 districts, cities, towns and 14 investor units (outside the district) that have disbursed quite well (over 60%).

The cultural and social fields continue to receive attention. The Education branch has focused on directing the preparation of conditions to ensure the implementation of tasks at all levels of education, and preparing to organize the opening ceremony of the 2024-2025 school year. Cultural movements and activities at the grassroots level are well organized.

Administrative reform and digital transformation continue to be focused on and directed resolutely. National defense, security and social order and safety are consolidated and enhanced; attention is paid to inspection and settlement of complaints and denunciations.

Kim Oanh