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Tiếng Việt Tiếng Nhật
The growth rate of total GRDP product in first six months is ranked 3rd in the North Central region

Director of the Department of Planning and Investment Pham Hong Quang said about this information at the regular meeting in June 2024 of the Provincial People's Committee held on the morning of June 25. Comrade Nguyen Duc Trung - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee chaired the meeting. Also attending the meeting were comrade Nguyen Nam Dinh - Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Comrades Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee (PPC); members of the Provincial People's Committee and leaders of relevant units.


The meeting is organized online with districts, cities and towns

In the first 6 months of 2024, the PPC has actively directed sectors and departments to continue focusing on performing the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress, Resolutions of the Government, Provincial Party Executive Committee and Provincial People's Council on socio-economic development tasks in 2024; closely follow and drastically implement the directions and administration of the Government, the Prime Minister, Ministries and Central departments to suit the actual situation in the locality.


Chairman of the PPC Nguyen Duc Trung chairs the meeting

With the highest spirit and determination to successfully implement the goals and targets of socio-economic development, to stable security and defense, The Provincial People's Committee has proposed 06 key contents for direction and administration, 12 groups of main tasks and solutions and 178 specific tasks assigned to departments and sectors. At the same time, build growth scenarios for 2024 for each quarter and the whole year; Established 05 Working Groups headed by Vice Chairmen of the Provincial People's Committee to direct sectors and fields.


Director of the Department of Planning and Investment Pham Hong Quang reports on the socio-economic situation in the first 6 months of the year

According to data from the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) in the first 6 months of 2024 is estimated at 6.76%, ranking 3rd in the North Central region and 26th in the country, higher than the same period in 2023.  Of which, the agricultural, forestry and fishery sector is estimated to increase by 4.13%; Industry - construction sector is estimated to increase by 9.95%; The service sector is estimated to increase by 5.85%; Product tax excluding product subsidies is estimated to increase by 6.77%.

The Spring 2024 crop has a bumper harvest with an estimated average rice yield of 69.10 tons/ha, the highest ever. The entire province currently has 319/411 communes meeting new-style rural areas standards, accounting for 77.62% of the total number of communes; 83/319 communes meet advanced new-style rural areas, accounting for 26.02%; 12/319 communes achieved model new-style rural areas, accounting for 3.76%; There are 09 district-level units completing their tasks and meeting new-style rural areas standards.

The index of industrial production (IIP) is estimated to increase by 10.03%. Total retail sales of goods and service revenue are estimated at 76,146.1 billion VND, an increase of 37.24%. Export turnover is estimated to reach 1,350.5 million USD, up 22.72% over the same period last year.

State budget revenue in the area is estimated to reach 11,897 billion VND, reaching 74.8% of the estimate, equal to 140.2% of the same period and exceeding the set scenario (8,615 billion VND).

Disbursement of public investment capital is one of the key tasks in 2024 according to the direction of the Government and the Prime Minister, the Provincial People's Committee has closely, decisively and synchronously deployed solutions to accelerate Construction schedule and disbursement since the beginning of the year. As of June 20, 2024, the 2024 centralized public investment plan has disbursed 1,561,992 billion VND, reaching 33.75% of the plan, higher than the same period (17.4%).

Regarding investment attraction, as of June 15, 2024, the entire province has granted new (investment policy approval/issuance of Investment Registration Certificate) for 39 projects with a total registered investment capital is 14,294.3 billion VND. Adjusting 77 projects, including adjusting the total investment capital of 21 projects with a total investment capital increase of 2,627.6 billion VND. Total new and adjusted capital is 16,921.9 billion VND; of which the total new capital investment is 1.14 times higher than the same period last year.

In the sector of culture and society, ensuring social security continues to receive attention and direction and achieve positive results, especially focusing on taking care of people to enjoy Spring and welcome the Lunar New Year Giap Thin 2024 is joyful and warm. Social security policies and activities for policy beneficiaries and the poor are implemented thoughtfully. Medical examination and treatment work is assured and basically meets the people's medical examination and treatment needs.

Activities to support and connect labor supply and demand, and creating jobs are of interest. It is estimated that in the first 6 months of 2024, the whole province has created jobs for 30,300 people, reaching 64.47% of the plan, an increase of 12.43% over the same period. The program to mobilize and support the construction and repair of houses for the poor and people with housing difficulties continues to be directed and implemented effectively. Administrative reform and digital transformation work has been focused and changed.

Defense, security and social order and safety in the area are guaranteed. Foreign affairs activities are paid attention and directed, with many activities being implemented enthusiastically, synchronously, and according to plan. Receiving citizens and handling complaints, denunciations, petitions, and land disputes in the province is well organized.

 Phan Quynh